Wednesday 18 February 2009

Welcome To HeartBreak

Looks like we got a video for it. However, Kanye West has confirmed that this will NOT be the next single. It is being released as apparently 'there is another video out there using the same techniques we do in this one', so he chose to release it. Oh and the pixellation in the video is deliberate.

To be honest, I'm a massive fan of this video. The combination of the effects, transitions and colours make for a perfect representation of the song.

He also confirmed that the next single was going to be 'Amazing'. Doesn't make sense that the See You In My Nightmares artwork was released the other day, but I suppose that means at some point we'll be getting that too.


KANYE WEST "Welcome To Heartbreak" Directed by Nabil from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

this video is awesome!

Anonymous said...

CLASS video... still think i prefer the 'other' version on the song.

Ajay182 said...

There's actually stuff on Youtube where people have synced up the old version that you like with the video.